Thursday, November 29, 2012

Where to start?

Location: Somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere

Time: We have sunshine!!!

Thankfully, I've found a way to make sure these posts can't be traced. Otherwise my little bit of fun (and, Tempest says, my anger management therapy) might just result in us getting captured. Which would be a real shame, since I'm starting to like this fly-around-all-day-and-eat-whatever-I-want thing.
Also, I'd like to take this moment to thank the Gods of Spell-Check. I also wish for world peace. And cookies.

Recent adventures have included: Robbing an ATM, stuffing ourselves at IHOP, walking through walls and tables and destroying stuff (best part), stealing a Lamborghini (also awesome), and rescuing a dude who was about to be pummeled by weird robot-y things I call M-Geeks.

I also discovered a new power. I can take others for a flight!!! AHHHHH!!!!! Stone may be my name, but I'm so excited about this new revelation. Or my excitement could be because I just remembered I have a jumbo Hershey's bar in my backpack. Either way.
Said guy (Name: Chad) is . . . odd. I'm not sure if he's a threat or not. He's just sitting there watching me right now and it's freaking me out.
I like it when he looks at me though. He said he wanted to get to know me beyond files he found at the School (more on his ex-minion status later). What does that mean? And why do I like it?
And why does Tempest keep looking at me like I've done something wrong whenever she catches me meeting Chad's stare?
I mean . . . there's a reason why I'm the leader and the brains of this operation. I make the plans. (I have the cape! I make the WHOOSH noises!) I tell people what to do . . . then sit back and let Tempest and her abundant energy and rage get the job done. Oh, I help, I swear! But sometimes it's fun to watch.

Our little duo has become a threesome. (Minds out of the gutter, please.) And things are a' changing in the world of avian-ness. I'd be crazy if I couldn't see that. (Well, my craziness level is subjective . . .)
 Okay, maybe yeah, we got captured and Chad totally looked like he had set it up, but somehow I really don't think he did. He helped us escape, after all. Plus, he has those crazy retractable wings. He's one of us. Weird right? I really don't know what to think anymore.

Seeing Max and the gang kinda threw me for a loop. Okay, so they save Tempest and I, disappear, then randomly show back up in my life? I had really hoped to keep flying under The School's radar. I'm pretty sure they don't have chocolate chip cookies or David Archuleta in captivity.

Okay. Seriously. If Tempest glares at me one more time I'm going to throw my backpack at her. So what if Chad keeps shooting me these shy, sweet glances that are kinda . . . awesome . . .? She's just jealous. Not my fault.

Whoa. Chad has hotdogs. (He's pretty awesome . . .)

BYE! See you never! I'll be back . . . eventually.

Friday, September 7, 2012


This blog is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. Stone is not a real person. She is a character made up based off of characters in James Patterson's book series Maximum Ride and all credit for the idea, some character mentions, and other stuff he came up with goes to him.
This blog goes along with the strictly-for-fun story my best friend ("Tempest") and myself began to entertain our bored then-15 year old minds. We're both now 19, but we are still goofing around with this story and still love our awesome characters.
"Tempest" has made a blog for her character too. So keep reading and watching, if you'd like, and get caught up in the side of Avian Mutants that only two crazy, creative girls know about!!!

----RLG aka Stone